Sunday, October 2, 2011

How The Tide Was Changed

Brothers and Sisters; 
I spoke many times about the war that was brewing within the our ranks, and the MTA. What nobody has visioned, is the war that is getting ready to take place between poor folks and rich folks. 
Wisconsin was the ground Zero for the final attacks against the labor movement, but what the powers that be didn't take into account, was that we have resolve!
As a TWU Local 100 Union Rep, one of things that I have noticed, is that many of our failures is due in part to the seeds that were planted long ago!
The idea was to collapse the unions or the movement known as the labor movement. To be successful in that, you would have to grasp this underlining principle, which boils down to a simple question, If we were in a house, and I thought it was on fire, but you didn't, would it be okay for me to lie to you or even use force to get you out of the house? The answer to that question would be he'll no, but why not?
And the answer to that question would be what if I was wrong! 
Individualism in America is so hard wired into our DNA. We want to make our own decisions, even if it means making mistakes. We don't want people telling us what to do. But there are such powers that are doing just that because they think we the people are to stupid to make our own decisions. Besides that fact, these powers have enough money not to be happy, but to buy an entire political system. Members of congress should be required to wear NASCAR uniforms so they would have to wear all their sponsors for all to see.
The powers that be use wealth to co-opt anyone who could have any impact on popular culture or public opinion. Newspapers, actors, journalists, publishers, politicians, business people, unions- you name it.
The idea was to be able to control the media as well as any other voice Americans trusted. To accomplish this things were planted in the most fertile of minds, which means children. But it wasn't enough to simply plant this new ideology. For it to blossom, it had to grow without being challenged. As a consequence the disappearance of rights and laws that were fought for including the civil rights struggle  and the labor movement were removed from the classroom. Schools now teach American history through the lens of imperialism and aggression. Instead of social studies, children were taught studies in social justice, with UNIONS repeatedly being shown as the bad guys!
This has been going on for decades. The students subjected to those propaganda's are now adults. They're everywhere you look- business, the media, government, even teaching successive generations of kids in our schools.
You may ask couldn't this be turned around? Could these folks be deprogramed? And my answer would be I don't think so, because they're completely immune to anything that deviates from their ideological perception of reality and what they have been taught is the real truth. The lens they look through life at has forever been altered. It's both terrifying and brilliant in it's totality. But as long as we have people who are conscience we can teach the youth of today and plant the seeds that will continue in our progressive struggles.
We have to think and plan well ahead to achieve this!
Brothers and Sisters we must all be on the same page in order to turn this thing around. Remember together we make a difference in all things.

In Solidarity 
Donald Yates 
MaBstoa TWU-100

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